And yes, the power did go out for the better part of the day. Our entire little area of town. They were doing some sort of electrical work and turned the power off for the section of the city all of us teachers live in. So there was a mass exodus of us teachers to malls, coffee shops, and the like to make up for our ability to cook, websurf, or most importantly make coffee.
And Car Talk had just come on as I was streaming NPR when the power went out. Boo.
But I had some awesome fajitas and dare I say even better conversation at TGIFriday's, went to about the only teacher-friendly store in Honduras and got some posterboard (which apparently I can get about anywhere but haven't seen).
I have yet to do any planning or grading for the weekend. And tonight is the much anticipated Honduras v. Trinidad & Tobago futbol game (That's right, Honduras is so good they're taking on TWO opposing teams -- huh? ... Not two? ... ... Oh.)
Although, next week is Mexico (in Mexico) and Oct. 10 will be the USA team here in Tegus. I think we teachers may try to go to that.
At any rate, the entire Honduran population is dressed in getup like these guys, whoever they are.
I hope my dear readers are doing well (some of you keep me abreast of your goings-on in life through other means), and I hope my blog has been useful and helpful for you in keeping tabs on me. I apologize for the lack of pictures, but given the 12 megapixels of my camera, each of my photos is around 5 MB and takes forever to upload. And then they turn out small like that flower picture. I'm not sure what gives. If anyone has tips, please let me know. I can try another one:
I give up. I waited 10 minutes for it to load. You can check facebook; facebook is there for me where blogger is not.
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