Monday, April 12, 2010

...adding to my communicative arsenal

Pause in my Costa Rica recap (well, I was already doing that, wasn't I?) to say that I have at long last downloaded Skype, the online communication tool that allows for text, audio, and video chatting for free over the internet. I don't know how many of my readers use Skype, but I figured this would be a fine place to let people know I have it just in case. My username is aarone46, if you want to add me to your contact list. I'd love to chat with people, and I'm realizing that Gmail chat isn't widespread enough for some of the people I want to chat with.

So there you have it. aarone46. Skype me.

1 comment:

  1. Also, it seems that Gmail video chat isn't the most dependable connection between New York and Honduras. We'll see how Skype does soon!
